Friday, May 26, 2006

Different Cultures

Or why tricking interns is so much fun.

On the last night of Intergration Week, we had dinner with all the trainees at Chop and Steak, near Serdang. We were divided into two tables, since the interns actually arrived first, and when the OCs arrived, they had practically finished eating and were just chatting over the empty dishes.

Of course, there were several interns who followed us. Among them were Sundus, the intern from Pakistan. She was seated beside me, chatting with Yuen Hwa. I wasn't really paying much attention to the both of them till I felt a slight pinch on my arm. Turning towards her, she quickly looked at Yuen Hwa. But you could tell she did it.

Here's what happened next.

William : You know, in Malaysia, if you pinch a guy in the arm it means you must marry him.

(A blatant lie. But that's the fun part about mixing with interns)

Sundus: O_O;;;

Yuen Hwa : Uh-huh. It's the truth.

W: I don't really want to marry you, but custom is custom.

S: You must be lying.

YH: (Getting into the act) It's the truth. If you don't believe us, ask Leong Tat.

Leong Tat is the OCP for MIRACLE, and most interns to believe what he says.

W: Yo, Leong Tat. If a girl pinches a guy in the arm, she must marry him, right?

LT : Yes. Local custom. That's why we don't pinch each other.

S : But I pinched several guys already in Malaysia!

Edwin decided to get into the act.

E: But you pinched him in front of so many people here! Got evidence already.

I think she really bought it, cause she was a little panicky.

LT : Sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner.

W: Well, custom. So it looks like we have to get married soon.

E: We finally have a permanent match in MIRACLE!

S: But I can't marry him! You're only a small boy.

You have no idea how much my ego was bruised by this.

I have no idea how the conversation ended, but this was what I remembered. So remember. Tricking interns may be fun, but being called a small kid isn't.


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