Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The 8 Simple steps for Matching

Although AIESEC's corework is matching, sometimes we tend to forget a different type of matching that goes on around AIESEC. Thus, I feel it's only right(and about time) that someone made a proper guideline for the matching process that goes on in AIESEC. Hopefully, someone will forward this to the MCs to be legislated for MNC.

1) Both forms must be in the matching pool. And remember, both forms must have the 'available' status. We don't want any matches broken because of already matched forms, do we?

2) Matching can be done directly by the form holders, or assisted by an experienced AIESECer who has already gone through the matching process. It is encouraged that an experienced AIESECer help them, since they are better suited at looking at the requirements that each form has.

3) When a suitable form has been found, always remember not to rush and immediately send an acceptance note! Please look at the form properly to ensure all the required details are there.

4) Contact the other form holder if you wish to know more about the form. Remember, matching is a delicate process, so it'll take time. Know the form better before you commit yourself to it! Ask friends or AIESECers who have had a match before for their opinion if required.

5) When you feel that the form is indeed suitable, send a show interest note. It's important that the show interest note is clear and easy to understand. Don't be too direct, but don't be too subtle as well.

6) Wait for an acceptance note. Sometimes it might take some time, or sometimes the show interest note might be rejected. Do not worry, as there are many other forms in the exchange pool. You might want to get back to matching immediately, or perhaps you might want to wait until there are new forms in the pool.

7) If an acceptance note is sent, congrats! You got matched! But you're not safe yet! There is a probation period after the match in which you have to ensure that the form you have selected is satisfied with your performance. Don't worry, it's the same for you. However, should you decided to part, please to so on friendly terms. No point making enemies now.

8) However, if all goes well, then congrats! Enjoy your match. We strongly recommend that you actually share your matching experience with other AIESEC members to help them in their matching process. This way, we can ensure that matching in an LC will be sustained.

Prepared by,


Blogger anisha said...

Thank you for the suggestion William! :) Well, in case you werent aware,last term me and my exchangers did set a goal of 25 "realizations" to take place within AM. However, at the end of the term we only managed to hit 8!!!!

We identified the problem to be not having a good and concrete plan-just like we have for our normal realizations! :P

Well, thanks to you, at least we have one of the processes taken care of!!! hehehe...
Thanks for the guideline! Will see how i can incorporate it in MNC agenda this December *wink*

4:07 PM  
Blogger kablooi said...

WAH... wee wee got new title.. VP K Po... ;) Jolly good post!

6:32 PM  
Blogger William said...

That's cause I'm hawt.

8:06 PM  

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