Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Top 5

With NLDS 06 around the corner, it's only fair that we reviewed the top 5 stuff that happened in NLDS 2005 in UKM. Of course, there might be other cooler stuff happening, but this will definately slant heavily to the UPM perspective.

And without further ado........


5. The Formal Dinner.

Nothing says fun more than having a pretty nice dinner after the trip to the place. With live entertainment and all the unis showing off their squaredances, it's a pretty great way to end the first day of NLDS. Unfortunately, it won't be this relaxing after that, though the fun level will be the same.

4. Global Village

Every university has to do one presentation for Global Village, and you couldn't get more half-undressed men than from UPM! The lads were happy to strip it all for the girls to see. Sadly, nobody had the built and looks of Brad Pitt or David Beckham.......

3. Sugar Cubes

Sugar cubes are the bomb! Imagine opening your cube, and to your surprise that cute girl from the neighbouring university just gave you her contact number! Okay, you can stop dreaming now. But sugar cubes are the best way to say it was fun to a pal you just met or some things that you would like to say but didn't dare to. ^_^

2. Skulling

To skull. Is there no better a sport than the sport for champions. Nothing says I'm the best than finishing a cup of tasteless 'air sirap', before donking the person beside you with the cup and then placing the cup on your head. All with your thumb on the table. Take that, football!

1. Squaredancing

They had it between sessions, they had it after sessions, and they had it during meals. But it was never enough, cause AIESECers love the squaredancin'! And with UTM's Xi Shua Shua, we definately had another classic to accompany Green Light and Flower Universe in the great squaredance list.

Haven't signed up for NLDS yet? Better do so now!


Blogger William said...

I wonder if we should put a 'Five most unforgettable' as well. But it would really spoil NLDS to the juniors....

12:34 AM  

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