Friday, November 17, 2006

Intensive @XP simulation ends well

It was all hard work at the @XP simulation on a saturday and that the faci team worked really hard to deliver the simulation. It was a very different experience faciliating this event together with some of the AIESEC Hong Kong MCs, LCPs, LCVPs & intern.

Why different? It's not that it's in Hong Kong nor faciliating as an international. You just feel so different when you're facilitating an AIESEC event as an intern. I felt that it makes it soooo much easier to explain what exChange is all about to everyone as I'm actually eXPeriencing it NOW! You'll understand what I mean when you're at this @XP stage.

More stories on me facilitating AIESEC HK conferences coming soon...

It was a very intensive @XP simulation day, but it was worth the effort to give all my best for the newies. So how do I reward myself? By having the most enjoyable dinner. It was by coincidence that we (Nadya, Jacso, Martha, Liz, Jean & I) manage to find this little nice peaceful cafe in Sai Kung. I didnt expect the food to be so delicious. And what was not expected is that the chef paid attention to the little details of our dinner which made my day!

This would be one of my magical moments of my internship in Hong Kong :)


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