Tuesday, December 20, 2005

When Ren Chang and I were brainstorming in the AIESEC Malaysia HQ in PJ State the day before The Chieftains' Meet on which direction to take the Brand Communication Task Force in the coming half-term, we somehow got talking about the topic of LC and MC blogs around the world, and thus, the idea of starting a dotWrite blog was born. Initially, we were skeptical... how effective was the blog going to be in terms of achieving the Task Force's objectives, what was the content going be like, who is going to be responsible for its upkeep and management, and also how sure are we of its continuity?

In the past half-term, the Task Force was involved in the profiling of several outstanding senior AIESECers, past Executive Board members, and also successfully organized an essay-writing competition for new, current and past members of AIESEC in Malaysia called VOICES. The next half-term will see the recruitment of newbies to join this Task Force and to hopefully, ensure continuity of this initiative which was conceived at the previous National Convention (NatCon) in Universiti Putra Malaysia last June. Currently, there are five dotWriters, namely myself occupying the position of Chair, Ren Chang as MC in charge, Vivian Tan (LC UUM), Lau Chao Ching (LC UPM) and Kee Wei Yak (LC USM).

Anyhow, the idea for a blog was further developed, and here it is! The whole purpose of this blog is basically another communication platform for AIESEC in Malaysia, albeit a more informal one... besides hosting materials that are the outputs of the Task Force's activities, this blog will be used for informal announcements, LC as well as MC updates, and other bits of relevant info and will be of interest to members which the Task Force sees fit to be published here.

Definitely, we're looking for participation from members of AIESEC in Malaysia on suggestions as well as feedback on how you would like to see this blog being utilized, and what you would like to read in terms of content. Feel free to email either myself (
tan.jillyn@aiesec.net) or Ren Chang (renchang.soo@aiesec.net) with your input, which will be useful for us to carry out our tasks more effectively. Do leave comments also, and leave your mark on the chatterbox provided!

A very Merry Xmas to all of you, and here's wishing you a blessed New Year too!

Better, better, everyday.
Better, better, every way.
- Norman Vincent Peale