Monday, October 30, 2006

The Most Happening Event of the Year!

National Leadership Development Seminar 2006
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 6-10 December

For more information, contact Sherlyn Loo at or Angeline at

Don't miss it!


CONGRATULATIONS to Jamie Goh, alumnus of LC UPM who has been selected as a facilitator for ZIMKO 2006, Poland's National Winter Conference! Jamie is one of four international facilitators selected to run sessions for ZIMKO, an induction conference for new members of AIESEC in Poland (similar to NLDS).

Truly, Malaysia Boleh! =)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

AIESEC: It's alot like dating

While looking through the brandsite for AIESEC, I browsed through a file for AIESEC and our brand promise. It was then that I had to check my eyesight.

Heck. AIESEC has sooooo much advice on dating for guys.

You don’t believe me? Let’s just go through the brand promise for AIESEC.

1. Activating Leadership.

If you’re dating, somehow or rather you’re going to have to be a leader. A relationship has to be dynamic! You can expect one party to continuously be passive, while the other is aggressive. Thus, you have to activate your leadership and lead your partner.

Especially since every question you ask will be answered with ‘whatever la’, ‘never mind’, and ‘up you you’. Of course, be ready to face the consequences when your decision is not the same with the one she had already made in her head.

2. Demonstrating Integrity

If you’re in a relationship, you have to demonstrate integrity. Nobody likes it when their partner constantly lies to them. Be honest with your words, feelings, and opinions.

However, if she asks you if she looks fat in that dress, for the love of God and all that’s holy LIE TO HER.... I mean, use your common sense. Unless you don’t mind suffering from a failed relationship (and several broken bones.)

3. Living diversity

Living diversity. But since this is a two person relationship, this means that you must always take into consideration the diverse opinions that the both of you have. It’s no fun if only one person has all the say on opinions like world politics or if Siti Nurhaliza married the wrong man.

But then again, if she feels strongly about a certain topic, then just nod your head and say yes or risk losing your balls. Ermm, what I meant was a frayed relationship.

4. Enjoying participation
Enjoy the participation in your relationship. You shouldn’t feel that your relationship is a chore, but a blessing. Be happy and support all the dates or things that your girl likes to do.

This, of course, includes watching chic flicks, following her when she goes shopping, paying for the things she bought during her shopping, as well as being abused when it’s that time of the mon-.........., when she needs the emotional support from you.

5. Striving for excellence.

Always strive for excellence. It’s never good to rest on just a relationship, but always try to find ways to make your already great relationship better!

Sure, you might have to spend a lot of time, money, energy, more time, and more money, as well as no more watching the EPL, no more futsal, partying with friends, going to mamak sessions late at night, and freedom as you know it. But it’s worth improving your relationship!

6. Acting sustainably.

Always act sustainably. You should always thing about the future and how to sustain your relationship.

This means saving your money and refrain from buying wasteful stuff like that new cell phone, that pair of Adidas Predator shoes, the 3D card for your laptop, or fresh meals from restaurant in favour for instant noodles. The money can be banked and then used to buy stuff like roses, chocolates, and the 97th pair of shoes for your dear gal. And it’ll be worth every cent, if you want to sustain your family tree in the near future.

Don’t believe me? Post your comments and tell me if I’m right or wrong!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Lviv's 750th Anniversary

Us trainees took a day trip to Lviv, a town three hours away, for its 750th Anniversary Celebrations.

LC Lviv happened to be having their Local Training Seminar (LTS), which is like our LLDS, so we stopped by awhile. Of course, we had to perform a roll call!

Next, we walked around Lviv. Here are some photos of the city.

Train station

Armenian church

This is a tombstone that is laid at the backyard of the church. On this tombstone, has the name of the deceased and his/her sins on it and it is laid oon the ground for people to step on. It may seem rude to step on people's grave but in fact we are doing a good deed to the deceased. This is because the more we step on it, the more the words fade.
It symbolizes that we are erasing their sins so that they can go to heaven.

A building with the signs of the zodiac on it.

Ukrainian Easter eggs!

There were people dressed like this walking around the city, so i took a photo with them to show all of you. :)

Posted by Jill on Jamie's behalf. For more photos,

Adaptation Camp, 6-8 October 2006

Some updates from Jamie who's in Ukraine on the "Let's Stop AIDS Together" project.

This camp is for new AIESEC members to understand the organization better and we, the trainees attended to give the camp the international feel. It was held at a campsite which is about 2 hours away from Ternopil city.

Here we are on the bus on the way to the camp site. L-R: Amy (canada), Caglar (turkey), Onur (turkey), Ira(ukraine) and me.

On my right is Kuek, another Malaysian trainee but with a different LC. She is now in Ivano-Frankivsk which is about 3 hours away from Ternopil, while on my right is my fellow trainee Amy.

This is the first session of the camp - getting to know each other a.k.a Ice breaking. As you can see, the delegates had their eyes closed and their goal is to make the string in to a square only by communicating. No looking! I was not part of the game because everyone was speaking Ukrainian. :)

Trainees pic! Jovin is missing in the pic. The other interns are Dina(front row, second from the left) from Egypt, Sophia(next to Dina) from Germany and Saltash (stading behind me) is from Turkey.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Top 5

With NLDS 06 around the corner, it's only fair that we reviewed the top 5 stuff that happened in NLDS 2005 in UKM. Of course, there might be other cooler stuff happening, but this will definately slant heavily to the UPM perspective.

And without further ado........


5. The Formal Dinner.

Nothing says fun more than having a pretty nice dinner after the trip to the place. With live entertainment and all the unis showing off their squaredances, it's a pretty great way to end the first day of NLDS. Unfortunately, it won't be this relaxing after that, though the fun level will be the same.

4. Global Village

Every university has to do one presentation for Global Village, and you couldn't get more half-undressed men than from UPM! The lads were happy to strip it all for the girls to see. Sadly, nobody had the built and looks of Brad Pitt or David Beckham.......

3. Sugar Cubes

Sugar cubes are the bomb! Imagine opening your cube, and to your surprise that cute girl from the neighbouring university just gave you her contact number! Okay, you can stop dreaming now. But sugar cubes are the best way to say it was fun to a pal you just met or some things that you would like to say but didn't dare to. ^_^

2. Skulling

To skull. Is there no better a sport than the sport for champions. Nothing says I'm the best than finishing a cup of tasteless 'air sirap', before donking the person beside you with the cup and then placing the cup on your head. All with your thumb on the table. Take that, football!

1. Squaredancing

They had it between sessions, they had it after sessions, and they had it during meals. But it was never enough, cause AIESECers love the squaredancin'! And with UTM's Xi Shua Shua, we definately had another classic to accompany Green Light and Flower Universe in the great squaredance list.

Haven't signed up for NLDS yet? Better do so now!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The 8 Simple steps for Matching

Although AIESEC's corework is matching, sometimes we tend to forget a different type of matching that goes on around AIESEC. Thus, I feel it's only right(and about time) that someone made a proper guideline for the matching process that goes on in AIESEC. Hopefully, someone will forward this to the MCs to be legislated for MNC.

1) Both forms must be in the matching pool. And remember, both forms must have the 'available' status. We don't want any matches broken because of already matched forms, do we?

2) Matching can be done directly by the form holders, or assisted by an experienced AIESECer who has already gone through the matching process. It is encouraged that an experienced AIESECer help them, since they are better suited at looking at the requirements that each form has.

3) When a suitable form has been found, always remember not to rush and immediately send an acceptance note! Please look at the form properly to ensure all the required details are there.

4) Contact the other form holder if you wish to know more about the form. Remember, matching is a delicate process, so it'll take time. Know the form better before you commit yourself to it! Ask friends or AIESECers who have had a match before for their opinion if required.

5) When you feel that the form is indeed suitable, send a show interest note. It's important that the show interest note is clear and easy to understand. Don't be too direct, but don't be too subtle as well.

6) Wait for an acceptance note. Sometimes it might take some time, or sometimes the show interest note might be rejected. Do not worry, as there are many other forms in the exchange pool. You might want to get back to matching immediately, or perhaps you might want to wait until there are new forms in the pool.

7) If an acceptance note is sent, congrats! You got matched! But you're not safe yet! There is a probation period after the match in which you have to ensure that the form you have selected is satisfied with your performance. Don't worry, it's the same for you. However, should you decided to part, please to so on friendly terms. No point making enemies now.

8) However, if all goes well, then congrats! Enjoy your match. We strongly recommend that you actually share your matching experience with other AIESEC members to help them in their matching process. This way, we can ensure that matching in an LC will be sustained.

Prepared by,

Monday, October 16, 2006

The tsunami of love

Now, on the Channel 9 News, a special report..

Good Morning, world. I'm William. And this is the latest news for today..

It would seem that AIESEC in UPM has been hit by a huge tsunami. As quoted by one witness, it was 'horrible, just horrible. It came and swept so many people away.'

Hundreds were in panic and in chaos as the tsunami came in unexpectedly. The LCP did not have enough time to react to the sudden influx and couldn't do a thing to help his fellow EB members.

Casualties were high as almost half of the EB team in UPM was swept away by the tsunami, now officially called Tsunami Cupid. Out of the entire EB team, only a handful survived the tidal wave.

Perhaps if the signs were slowly examined earlier, people would have realised the dangers and reacted sooner. It first took both a VP and a Director from HR. However, this loss was overlooked by the rest of the EB board in UPM. Perhaps it will be something that they will regret for quite some time to come.

Suddenly, two VPs were pulled under by the tsunami, along with an ex-AIESECer and an innocent passer-by. Both incidents happened in matter of seconds, leaving all the EB members shocked. Suddenly, a daunting realisation happened that too many EB members were being pulled under by the tsunami. Rescue operations have begun, but it would seem that several members have already been hit by the Tsunami Cupid, and it remains to see if they can be saved.

Sadly, now meetings for the EB board in UPM has become rarer and rarer, with the missing VP members now floating.... somewhere.

Let this be a lesson indeed to the other LCPs throughout Malaysia. Keep an eye on the weather. Tsunami Cupid might come to hit you.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"Let's Stop AIDS Together" - We are the Vaccine

Article by Amy Ann Lubik
Trainee, AIESEC Ternopil

HIV and AIDS are global problems. "Let's Stop AIDS Together" is a compilation of passionate volunteers brought together by AIESEC to spread information about HIV/AIDS to the youth of Ternopil, Ukraine. There is no cure to HIV/AIDS; however, as a vaccine arms the human immune system to fight off a virus, we will arm the youth with the information they need to keep themselves safe from HIV/AIDS. Only by being informed about the problem can they protect themselves. Thus we, the volunteers of the "Let's Stop AIDS Together" project, because of the information we spread, are the vaccine for the youth of Ternopil. Those that receive our vaccination have promised that, in return, they will spread the information as well, to help conquer the 'plague' of the twenty-first century.

Why are we starting our battle to eradicate this pandemic in the Ukraine? Ten years ago, the WHO dubbed the Ukraine a virtually HIV/AIDS free zone. Today, the Ukraine is the number one centre for HIV/AIDS in Europe. AIESEC Ternopil, a local committee of the world's largest youth-run organization, AIESEC, has recognized the problem and has decided to take action. AIESEC has many platforms by which to allow youth to develop themselves, one of which is the international internship exchange program. Therefore, they have recruited four students from three different countries around the world who feel deeply dedicated to the issue of HIV/AIDS for a developmental internship. From Turkey they have recruited Caglar Soyuak, a student of Engineering and Economics. From Malaysia, they have gained Jamie Goh, a student of English and Business Management. From Alberta, Canada they have recruited Candice Powley, a Political Science and Psychology student. From British Columbia, Canada they have recruited Amy Ann Lubik, a Biochemistry and English Student. Each of us has different experiences and views on HIV/ AIDS because of our various social, educational, and particularly national backgrounds.

Like the different medicines in the "AIDS cocktails," each tackling different parts of the disease, each of us focuses on a different part of the problem of educating students about HIV/AIDS in order to be as effective as possible. Caglar is most adamant on ensuring the spread of information from out students to their personal communities. Jamie desires to make sure that our pupils know the facts from the myths when it comes to transmission of the disease. Candice is passion to ensure the youth know all about the easiest way to prevent the spreading of this disease: Condoms. Lastly, Amy is determined to imbue the information that there are treatments available, what they are and where to get them. Each us is an element to make up what we already feel will be a very effective vaccine for use on the youth of the Ukraine. As a vaccine must be administered by a caring physician, so are we delivered to different schools by our Organizing Committee President, Irena Koval.

Why are we starting vaccination of the youth? They are the future. They are the hands that will shape the future of not only the Ukraine but the world. A frightening percentage of the world’s youth is very ignorant on the subject of HIV/ AIDS. This is through no fault of their own, for they simply do not have the information that they need to make wise decisions about their health in regards to this issue. Unfortunately, a large part of the Ukrainian youth is socially inactive. That is, they are not involved in after-school activities, social clubs, or organizations, such as AIESEC, which work toward improving the global situation. They are therefore more likely to turn to more potentially detrimental pastimes, such as drugs and/ or sex. These are two of the primary ways that HIV is spread in the population between the ages of 20 and 34 – the age group most likely to become infected. Therefore, we are targeting our vaccination to high-school and university students, so that they can avoid becoming a depressing addition to the statistics.

The first administrations have been a thrilling success. Like the vaccine for Hepatitus A, two shots are necessary for maximum protection. For the first, we travel to the schools and give a short presentation to give them basic essential information with which to protect themselves. For the booster shot, we take those who are interested for a training session, going much more in depth and much more interactive. Despite the language barrier, which is broken by superb voluntary translators, we believe that our goal has been achieved at our first few schools. It has been amazing to hear the intelligent questions of such young students and be able to answer them and to dispel the myths they may have been harbouring. In return for our vaccine, they give us one as well: great hope. When one hears that the students do not know the easiest way to prevent getting HIV (condoms), it can be disheartening. Yet at the end of the presentation when the youths thank us for warmly for the information, can remember the facts, and promise to spread the word to their friends and family, they fill us with the hope and warmth of making a difference. They are the syringes with which to spread the vaccine.

We are the vaccine against HIV for the youth of Ternopil; we are a cocktail of information and passion blended to give maximum effectiveness against the virus. HIV spreads rapidly, but information and word of mouth can spread faster. The future is in our hands and we are committed to seeing it thrive in an HIV/AIDS free zone. So let us bring together more people of the world, and share all possible information; "Let's Stop AIDS Together."

The trainees in action during one of the training sessions

L-R : Jamie (Malaysia), Candice (Canada), Ira (Ukraine - OCP),
Caglar (Turkey), Amy (Canada) during the press conference to announce
the beginning of the project "Let's Stop AIDS Together."

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

T is for Team

Being the VP IS for almost 6 months already, it's kinda fun to look around and see the people that are working with you to achieve the goals of the LC. It's like a small family here in LC UPM, with most of the VPs and Directors playing the role of the various stereotypes of the family. Don't believe me? Let me run it down.

Edwin is our dad. Of course, he'd be the alcoholic, depressed dad. Most likely cause we don't have a mom. So he's quiet and gives insightful comments, but he mostly is quiet. And moody.

Sze Looi is the older sister. Like the one that grows up hardened because of our depressed dad. She takes control, directing her 'siblings' (Directors) with some intensity.

Sin Mei and Jacelyn are the flower children. Most likely the two youngest kids in the family. They are innocent and still retain the smile that they have, working happily.

Cafrey is the older brother. A true professional, he works hard to help his 'dad' support the family, thus he isn't around to play with the younger kids. But he cares for them deeply.

Rachel would be the older sister. Also the same as Cafrey, she helps around alot, but also hangs around the two younger sisters to keep an eye on them.

And your's truely would be the geekier younger brother. Someone who's in his tweens, using the computers and other high tech stuff in the family.

A pretty dysfunctional family, huh.

Dad! Get a mom soon!